Thursday, June 18, 2009

HR 1207 and S 604

There's a bill in the House entitled HR 1207. This is Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve. Without going into too much detail, the Fed is a government sponsored quasi-private bank that has total control of the money supply and bank lending rates. While this is bad enough in itself (and totally contrary to free market principles), the Fed has no Congressional oversight and currently cannot even be audited by Congress. Every American should be outraged that our economic futures are entrusted to a group of secretive bankers.

HR 1207 is the first step in uncovering the true nature of the Federal Reserve and this bill needs as much support as possible. There are over 230 co-sponsors in the House which is great news. S 604 in the Senate is the "sister" bill and I urge everyone to contact your Congressmen and Senators and tell them to support HR 1207 and S 604.

For more info....

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